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Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary - fish


Связанные словари


 biographical name Hamilton 1808-1893 American statesman FISH  I. noun  (plural ~ or ~es)  Usage: often attributive  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English fisc; akin to Old High German fisc ~, Latin piscis  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. an aquatic animalusually used in combination star~ cuttle~  b. any of numerous cold-blooded strictly aquatic craniate vertebrates that include the bony ~es and usually the cartilaginous and jawless ~es and that have typically an elongated somewhat spindle-shaped body terminating in a broad caudal fin, limbs in the form of fins when present at all, and a 2-chambered heart by which blood is sent through thoracic gills to be oxygenated  2. the flesh of ~ used as food  3.  a. a person who is caught or is wanted (as in a criminal investigation)  b. fellow, person an odd ~  c. sucker 5a  4. something that resembles a ~: as  a. plural, capitalized Pisces 1; also Pisces 2a  b. torpedo 2b  • ~less adjective  • ~like adjective  II. verb  Date: before 12th century  intransitive verb  1. to attempt to catch ~  2. to seek something by roundabout means ~ing for a compliment  3.  a. to search for something underwater ~ for pearls  b. to engage in a search by groping or feeling ~ing around in her purse for her keys  transitive verb  1.  a. to try to catch ~ in  b. to ~ with ; use (as a boat, net, or bait) in ~ing  2.  a. to go ~ing for ~ salmon  b. to pull or draw as if ~ing ~ed the ball from under the car ~ wires through a conduit  • ~ability noun  • ~able adjective
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См. в других словарях

  1. n. & v. --n. (pl. same or fishes) 1 a vertebrate cold-blooded animal with gills and fins living wholly in water. 2 any animal living wholly in water, e.g. cuttlefish, shellfish, jellyfish. 3 the flesh of fish as food. 4 colloq. a person remarkable in some way (usu. unfavourable) (an odd fish). 5 (the Fish or Fishes) the zodiacal sign or constellation Pisces. 6 Naut. sl. a torpedo; a submarine. --v. 1 intr. try to catch fish, esp. with a line or net. 2 tr. fish for (a certain kind of fish) or in (a certain stretch of water). 3 intr. (foll. by for) a search for in water or a concealed place. b seek by indirect means (fishing for compliments). 4 tr. (foll. by up, out, etc.) retrieve with careful or awkward searching. Phrases and idioms drink like a fish drink excessively. fish-bowl a usu. round glass bowl for keeping pet fish in. fish cake a cake of shredded fish and mashed potato, usu. eaten fried. fish eagle 1 any large eagle of the genus Haliaeetus, with long broad wings, strong legs, and a strong tail. 2 any of several other eagles catching and feeding on fish. fish-eye lens a very wide-angle lens with a curved front. fish farm a place where fish are bred for food. fish finger Brit. a small oblong piece of fish in batter or breadcrumbs. fish-glue isinglass. fish-hawk an osprey, Pandion haliaeetus. fish-hook a barbed hook for catching fish. fish-kettle an oval pan for boiling fish. fish-knife a knife for eating or serving fish. fish-meal ground dried fish used as fertilizer or animal feed. fish out of water a person in an unsuitable or unwelcome environment or situation. fish-pond (or -pool) a pond or pool in which fish are kept. fish-slice a flat utensil for lifting fish and fried foods during and after cooking. other fish to fry other matters to attend to. Etymology: OE fisc, fiscian f. Gmc 2. n. & v. --n. 1 a flat plate of iron, wood, etc., to strengthen a beam or joint. 2 Naut. a piece of wood, convex and concave, used to strengthen a mast etc. --v.tr. 1 mend or strengthen (a spar etc.) with a fish. 2 join (rails)...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  инородный предмет (оставленный в колодце или скважине при бурении) стыковая накладка ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) рыба 2) рыбий 3) рыбозащитный 4) рыбоконсервный 5) рыбопромысловый 6) рыбопропускной 7) рыборазделочный 8) рыборезальный 9) рыбоупаковочный 10) фишка fish bone introduction — топология "рыбья кость" fish cutting machine — рыборезальная машина fish dressing machine — рыборазделочная машина fish filleting trawler — филейный траулер fish packing machine — рыбоупаковочная машина fish protection structure — рыбозащитное устройство shore-based fish factory — береговой завод по обработке рыбы - canned fish - fish cannery - fish fleet - fish glue - fish hatchery - fish oil bloom - fish oil - fish pass - fish reconnaissance - fish tape - fish wire ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) рыба а)биол., с.-х. (водное холоднокровное животное, объект промысла) б) пищ., потр. (мясо рыбы, блюда из мяса рыбы) fish cream - рыбная паста, рыбный паштет, fish soup - рыбный суп, уха See: food products 2) амер., разг. "тип" (необычный, странный человек) ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) рыба; pl рыбы (Pisces) 2) ловить рыбу 3) ловить что-л. в воде – actinopterygian fishes – African tiger fish – alligator fishes – American leaf fish – anomalopid fish – baby fishes – Baikal fishes – bait fish – banana fish – banded parrot fish – barrel fishes – bathypelagic fish – berycoid fish – bigmouth buffalo fish – black scabbard fish – black-spottet parrot fish – blanket fish – blow-gun fish – blue-bottle fish – bony fishes – bottom-dwelling fish – brood fishes – brown fish – buffalo fishes – butterfly fish – cardinal fish – carp-like fish – cartilaginous fishes – Chinaman fish – climbing fish – coarse fish – combsail velvet fish – commercial fish – common pony fish – concertina fish – congrogadid fishes – convict fish – coral fishes – crazy fish – crocodile fishes – cutlass fish – cyprinid fishes – daggertooth fish – deepsea fish – deepsea bigscale fishes – deepwater scorpion fish – diadromous fish – dingo fish – dollar fish – downstream-migrant fish – egg-laying fish – elasmobranch fishes – electric fishes – elephant fishes – elephant-snouted fish – epaulet fish – fan fish – fangtooth fish – feeler fish – fighting fish – flag-tailed surgeon fish – flash-light fishes – fluvial anadromous fish – flying fishes – forceps fish – four-eyed fish – fresh-water fish – full fish – full-grown fish – gempylid fishes – girdled parrot fish – glassy fishes – go-home fishes – grid-eye fishes – ground fish – half-moon fishes – handsaw fishes – hard-roed fish – harvest fish – headlight fish – hillstream fishes – humphead fish – immature fish – jackass fish – jackknife fish – javelin fish – knight fish – lancet fishes – lantern fishes – lantern-eyed fishes – larva-like fishs – leaf fishes – least mosquito fish – leopard fish – little velvet fishes – live-bearing fish – lizard fishes – long-nosed butterfly fishes – loose...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. рыба fresh-water fish —- пресноводная (речная) рыба salt-water fish —- морская рыба young fish —- мальки, молодь dried fish —- вяленая (сушеная) рыба to catch ten fishes —- поймать десять рыб 2. рыба, рыбные блюда fish soup —- рыбный суп, уха to eat fish on Fridays —- по пятницам есть рыбу fish and chips —- рыба с жареной картошкой 3. разг. крабы, устрицы и т. п. 4. разг. рыбная ловля fish stakes —- сети на кольях, рыбный закол 5. (Fishes) Рыбы (созвездие и знак зодиака) 6. разг. тип, персона big fish —- "кит", большая шишка poor fish —- жалкая личность cold fish —- неприветливый, необщительный человек; бука cool fish —- нахал, наглец dull fish —- скучный (нудный) человек odd (queer, strange) fish —- чудак, странный тип shy fish —- робкий (застенчивый) человек 7. ам. сл. доллар 500 fish —- пятьсот долларов 8. "рыбка", прыжок танцовщицы с подхватом ее партнером Id: to feel like a fish out of water —- чувствовать себя как рыба, вынутая из воды Id: to cry stinking fish —- хулить свой товар; выносить сор из избы Id: to feed the fishes —- утонуть, "кормить рыб"; страдать морской болезнью Id: the great fish eat the small —- сильные пожирают слабых Id: to have other fish to fry —- иметь другие (более важные) дела Id: to hook (to land) one's fish —- добиться своего, поймать (кого-л.) на удочку Id: to make fish of one and flesh (fowl) of another —- относиться к...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  and chips рыба с жареным картофелем FISH I  1. noun  1) pl. oft. invar. рыба; spread тж. крабы, устрицы fish and chips - рыба с жареной картошкой  2) disdain. тип - cool fish - odd fish - queer fish - poor fish  3) (the Fish или Fishes) Рыбы (созвездие и знак зодиака)  4) amer.; coll. доллар  5) attr. рыбный - fish corral alls fish that comes to his net prov. - доброму вору все впору; он ничем не брезгует to feed the fishes coll. -  а) утонуть;  б) страдать морской болезнью to have other fish to fry - иметь другие дела to make fish of one and flesh of another - относиться к людям неровно, пристрастно a pretty kettle of fish! coll. - веселенькая история!; хорошенькое дело! - fish story neither fish, flesh nor fowl/good red herring ни рыба ни мясо; ни то ни се  2. v.  1) ловить или удить рыбу  2) to fish the anchor naut. - поднимать якорь - fish for - fish out - fish up to fish or cut bait amer. - сделать выбор, не откладывая в долгий ящик II  1. noun  1) naut. фиш (в якорном устройстве); шкало (у мачты)  2) = fish-plate  2. v. tech. соединять накладкой; скреплять стыком III noun фишка FISH corral садок для рыбы FISH up  а) вытаскивать (из воды) Instead of catching fish, all that he fished up was an old boot.  б) находить The proof was fished up from some old papers. Where did you fish that idea up? FISH davit фишбалка, боканец FISH for  а) искать в воде (жемчуг и т.п.)  б) coll. выуживать (секреты)  в) coll. напрашиваться, набиваться to fish for compliments (for an invitation)...
Англо-русский словарь
  (fish, or fishes, fishes, fishing, fished) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. Note: The form 'fish' is usually used for the plural, but 'fishes' can also be used. 1. A fish is a creature that lives in water and has a tail and fins. There are many different kinds of fish. I was chatting to an islander who had just caught a fish... The fish were counted and an average weight recorded. N-COUNT 2. Fish is the flesh of a fish eaten as food. Does dry white wine go best with fish? N-UNCOUNT 3. If you fish, you try to catch fish, either for food or as a form of sport or recreation. Brian remembers learning to fish in the River Cam. VERB: V 4. If you fish a particular area of water, you try to catch fish in it. On Saturday we fished the River Arno. VERB: V n 5. If you say that someone is fishing for information or praise, you disapprove of the fact that they are trying to get it from someone in an indirect way. He didn’t want to create the impression that he was fishing for information... ‘Lucinda, you don’t have to talk to him!’ Mike shouted. ‘He’s just fishing.’ = angle VERB: V for n, V c darkgreen]disapproval 6. see also fishing 7. If you tell someone that there are plenty more fish in the sea, you are comforting them by saying that although their relationship with someone has failed, there are many other people they can have relationships with. (INFORMAL) PHRASE ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n plural fish or fishes 1 an animal that lives in water, and uses its fins (1) and tail to swim  (The lake is well stocked with fish. | catch a fish)  (Ronny caught three huge fish this afternoon.) 2 the flesh of a fish used as food  (White wine is traditionally drunk with fish.) 3 like a fish out of water feeling uncomfortable because you are in an unfamiliar place or situation  (I felt like a fish out of water in my new school.) 4 there are plenty more fish in the sea used to tell someone whose relationship has ended that there are other people they can have a relationship with 5 neither fish nor fowl neither one thing nor another 6 have other/bigger fish to fry informal to have other things to do, especially more important things  (I can't deal with this now, I've got other fish to fry!) 7 an odd fish/a queer fish BrE old-fashioned someone who is slightly strange or crazy 8 a cold fish an unfriendly person who seems to have no strong feelings 9 a big fish in a little pond someone who is important or who has influence over a very small area  (- see also drink like a fish drink2 (2), a fine/pretty kettle of fish kettle (4)) ~2 v 1 to try to catch fish + for  (We're fishing for trout.) 2 T always + adv/prep also fish out to find something after searching through a bag, pocket etc, and take it out  (fish sth out)  (Eric fished a peppermint out of the bag.) 3 I always +adv/prep) informal to search for something in a bag, pocket etc + about/around  (She fished around in her purse and pulled out a photo.) + for  (Chris fished in his pocket for a coin.) 4 to try to catch fish in a particular area of water  (Other nations are forbidden to fish the waters within 200 miles of the coast.) 5 also fish out to pull someone or something out of water  (fish sb out)  (Police frogmen fished the body out of the East River a week later.) 6 fish for compliments to try to make someone say something nice about you, usually by asking a question  (It's sickening the way he's always fishing for compliments when she's around.) 7 fish for...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  onc. abbr. Flourescence In Situ Hybridization hum. gen. abbr. Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization U.S. gov. abbr. Friendly Immediate Sympathetic Help U.S. gov. abbr. Fresh Ideas Start Here mil. abbr. Friendly Instant Sympathetic Help mil. abbr. Fighting In Someone's House funny abbr. Finger In Sinus Hole educ. abbr. Fellowship In Senior High educ. abbr. Friends In School Here educ. abbr. Florida Inventory Of School Houses educ. abbr. Faith Inspired Senior Highers religion abbr. Friends In Service To Him chat abbr. For Immediate Sympathetic Help ...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом


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